Monday, November 22, 2010

Right to Health (Zainab)


 Niger delta is one of the 10th most important wetlands and marine ecosystem in the world, with a population of 31 million people. it is naturally blessed with abundant oil (crude) which is the mainstay of Nigeria's economy. this particular area is seriously affecting the lives of people and also the natural environment. full attention is needed from the government to stop this devastating problem. According to a new Amnesty international report, ''the oil industry in Niger Delta has brought impoverishment, conflict, human right abuses and despair to the majority of the people in the oil producing areas''. this is absolutely true, no doubt about it. The right to health, healthy environment and good standard of living has been violated by the oil industries. unfortunately, Nigerian government is failing to hold the oil companies to account for the pollution they have caused.
  More than 60% of the people depend on the natural environment for their livelihood. yet, pollution by the industries are destroying the vital resources on which the depend.The water they drink, cook, wash, bath, the fish they eat, the air they breath and the environment they live are all contaminated by oil and other toxins. these people are normal people like everyone, they deserve to live a happy life as everyone does.
  The United Nation Development program (UNDP) also describe the region as suffering from ''administrative neglect, crumbling social infrastructures and services, high unemployment, social deprivation, abject poverty, filth and squalor, and endemic conflict''. With this comment, I strongly believe that this is the perfect time for the Nigerian government to show some actions because seriously, some VOICES need to be HEARD. 

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